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Oh wow, Art In The Gardens!

On my visit to ArtWaves I chatted to Peter, a fantastic -and oh, so friendly!- watercolorist, and he put me up to the next local Arts Fest. This was Art In The Gardens, in Sheffield.

I was new to this, I was unexperienced, I was shy, I lacked confidence. But then Arts i the Gardens vetted my work worth showing and gave me the green light. Wow, what a boost to my artistic confidence! Thanks, Peter!

Goodness me....what an exciting place to be! After all that had happened to me health wise, work wise....I found myself in heaven because someone in Sheffield thought my work was good enough to be part of their Arts Festival.

I enjoyed every minute of the planning, the transport, the setting up, the meeting other artists, the meeting the public, the chatting to all walks of life. I even enjoyed the sitting around in the cold end of summer weather waiting for business and watching the wet visitors struggle on....

I sold a few cards, nothing more. I sold no pictures. But yet, being there, being part of it all, having a door opened to new horizons was an incredible buzz and, oh boy, did I learn!

After having had this one experience I now know a few more things regarding exhibiting my work to the public.

I got fantastic honest and warm feed back from Mia, a potter on the stand next to me. And I shall definitely act on it for next time. Thanks, Mia!

Of course, as you can see, learning never ends, fellow artists will support each other. What a community to join!!

I feel I have been born again and now have so many other festivals on the pipeline and I now feels so much more comfortable with showing off what I can do......

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