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What happens when life gets in the way

What happens when life gets in the way of creativity, of joy, of art...... well, nothing happens. Abandonment happens. Oblivion happens. Nothing. Vacuum.

But why?

Why do we all fall into the same mistakes, generation after generation. Why don't we ever learn from our own mistakes? Or from other people's mistakes, for that matter?

Nah! of course not......

We always know better and we always fail to see the big picture.

I allowed myself to drift into the living-for-the-last-minute type of life. I condescended into not studying art when my dad talked me out of it aged 17. I condescended into joining the rat race, the unescapable hamster wheel once you get into a job, a marriage, a mortgage. You feel trapped. And you truly are.

Suddenly you notice that nearly all your life is soon to be over and find yourself looking back and wishing you had made other choices. weren't so wise then!

However, life does have a way to slap you in the face when you least expect it. And with it, it offers you a late second chance.

When last year I was forced to get off my hamster wheel due to major illness, I had no choice but to go back to the white canvas. Literary. It sure took some serious adjustments to slip into that new role but, boy.......once I was in that role for good.....what a new adventure that was!

I recovered my old mojo, my inner peace, my creativity, my focus, my joy. I recovered my ART.

Clearly I was not alone. My husband was always behind me pushing me towards that white canvas and forever urging me to make it more than just white....

And so, I did. I drowned my illness and its fears and its sorrows into that canvas that took new life and my bold creativity became the new me.

Suddenly I find myself regretting being healthy again, I regret losing the spirit of peace and uninterrupted silence and focus I need to produce a new piece.

But I am wiser now. I have seen the writing on the wall and there is no hamster wheel that will now keep me away from my canvas.

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